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Dear Giovanni,
I m sorry for the delay ... been busy and when have a moment to rest is always something to fix..😊
I m Goncalo Lemos, Captain for 15years now, with experience on 25 -30 meter yachts, and a long experience on anchor as well.
When first saw Ultramarine anchor on a boat show in Palma, I immediately notice the high quality and finishing as well the details of the anchor! Made a impression !
After looking and check any detail I felt that had to purchase it!!!!....
The confirmation of it, was when the comercial on the stand asked me to try the different scale anchors on a sand box. That was a really nice because could see the real performance on the sand, in model scale.
After a couple years, due to the owner un decided if sale or not the yacht, I purchased the Ultramarine anchor 80kg with the swivel.
I normally spend 3 to 4 months per year at anchor, on a 88 motor yacht.
Before had a Bruce anchor that made me drop around 70 m of chain to be more relax on a 8/10m depth.... and when wind changed, had to be sure the drift stoped as the bruce jumps out of the sand when pulled in opposite only sleep when had a line on the stern from the rocks, to stop the swing.
Basically couldn't relax nor sleep well with the previews anchor.
This year, received the 80kg ultramarine anchor, made small modification on the bow for holding it perfectly, and have to say that looks amazing the bow with the bright of the stainless steel reflection.
Made some tests, but is never enough to be aware of the full capacity of the anchor except in a real situation, like with strong wind and natural forces.
Is now 3 months at anchor, and have already some episodes that occurred in meanwhile. Is just incredible good anchor and most of all safe!
Weather in Ibiza, current position of the yacht, is more and more unpredictable, with very inaccurate forecasts.
First situation that was some how stressed, was when had no wind when drop anchor and forecast, was 5 to 10kts max, was with 5m depth and 15m chain, wind starts to gusting around 25-30 kts!!!! The way the bow stoped after the swing and chain stretched, It looked like a tender!!! Like had a chain connected to a concrete block!! I couldn’t believe that the anchor didn t moved or dragged with such a pull.... boat has nearly 80 tones...
Was worried as before in such conditions already had to move and drifted with the bruce anchor.
So stayed and observed the behaviour of the all set and even took some chain up to see when was the time it started to drag and until the boat wasn't t on top of it it didn't´t came out!!!! Completely under the sand ! Even the arm.
Also one day, had my anchor under other boat when started to lift up. I though could go near and with less chain on the water and close to the anchor, with engines reversing could pull it out and drag the anchor from under the other yacht.
Got again surprised!!! Because when revers engine the bow turns as it was on my port side, diagonal , that almost crashed !!!!😂 had 8 m depth and 10 meter chain... I m only able to lift anchor if I m on top of it and the chain is vertical!!!! Amazing
Also have to mention the comfort and practical is the swivel!!! Every time, i mean every single time lift anchor, had to make a stupid position and risk to fall to the water to make the anchor enter in the right position! So not upside ...hated so much that...
So with this swivel I don t even have to look if is straight or upside-down or even be at the bow..just lift it and is always in the correct position.
Definitely recommend to anyone ! Today can sleep relaxed without worry if it drifts or wind changes or even if gusts hard!!! Really!
On my anchor app that often use, and on the gps I register the track it makes so can observe how much drift have on wind change, and nothing but nothing concerning or even to make any adjust on the perimeter of safety... not 10 not 8 m , is just the size of the anchor!! Like the scale model I ve tried on the boat show!! Couldn't t believe that was so accurate a model.
Had also a night, that a catamaran of 50ft drifted with no one on board, while was 20kts wind with gusts of 25-28kts, I was on alert due to be with a line to a rock on the stern, so no swing.
When my worries started to alarming, was when the cat chain and anchor got stuck on my Anchor and chain!!! Near the anchor !! So I was facing a risk that the cat could lift or move my anchor!!! Something I didn't t expected !! So couldn't´t lift my anchor because would risk to have the other anchor stuck on mine and so no manoeuvre capability had with a catamaran of 50 ft stuck on my anchor....
So managed with my tender to and a line to take the chain of the cat and secure it on my bow as the wind was blowing from the starboard.
It was a situation of stress but, luckily have an amazing anchor that could hold a 88ft yacht and the 50 catamaran with 25kts !!!!and the cat had the anchor on the arm of the ultramarine anchor!! Didn't t move a inch!!!!!!
This, and some smaller experiences had already with it, can be formed a proper review and opinion of how reliable is the amazing Anchor.
There is one thing that is negative!
Is that didn't t purchased this anchor earlier!!!:)
To any yacht owner, my experience so far with this anchor, is a MUST have on board! Is priceless the safety and tranquility of not be worried for wind direction or change, or the excess of chain on the water to be more secure.Something that today allows me to be in spots with less swing diameter as can have less chain in the water.
My congratulations to the Ultramarine work of building a such amazing anchor with superior finishing quality! Theres is no words for a product that has life time warranty! Is because is good!!!
Best Regards,
Gonçalo Lemos
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