Alex Blair
Representative for United Kingdom
+44(0)7796 304 941
+420 773 054 530
Giovanni Canu
Responsabile Commerciale Italia, Spain, Portugal
+393 735 078 379
+420 773 555 111
Jocelyn Weber
Representative for France & Belgium
+420 739 835 990
Marc Lucas
Head of Sales
+420 731 800 999
Giovanni Canu
Responsabile Commerciale Italia, Spain, Portugal
+393 735 078 379
+420 773 555 111
Jan Langsadl
Sales Operations Manager
+420 603 920 777
We bought our 60 pound Ultra anchor after the Seattle Boat Show this last spring. We have a 42' Nova Sundeck trawler-style motoryacht and are from Alameda, CA. We are just now heading back south from a trip up the coast from San Francisco Bay, through the San Juans, further up through the Canadian Gulf Islands, on up into Princess Louisa Inlet, then on to Desolation Sound, and just recently back into the US, now heading south toward Puget Sound. We have used our anchor many, many times throughout our trip and absolutely LOVE it!!! Our new motto is simply "Drop it, Set it, FORGET it! We can't even count how many times we watched other boats drop their anchor, DRAG their anchor, move to another spot, and repeat, repeat, repeat... We never even ONCE had to move because our anchor wouldn't set. As a result, anchoring has never been a questionable or stressful time for us. We have even slept comfortably "on the hook" in a windy cove through gale-force winds while traveling up the coast and never EVER questioned our anchor holding us securely. (Line chafing maybe, but NOT our anchor!) And as conscientious cruisers we ALWAYS set our anchor alarm but have NEVER EVER needed it!
Please feel free to use our quote regarding our Ultra: "Drop it, Set it, Forget it!" What a relaxing way to anchor :-)
And as promised, here is a pic from a San Francisco Bay raft-up, just before we headed north and a few more of our Ultra anchor and our boat NuMoon. Obviously, ours is the "anchor boat" for the raft-up! Go Ultra!!!
Thanks for making such a GREAT product!!
Alexus Sheppard and Deborah Perry
PS, After visiting Puget Sound through August, we'll be heading back south for the fall and then onto Southern California and Mexico for the winter. I'm sure we'll be using our Ultra again, and again, and again...
Leave us your contact and find out how to try Ultra Anchor on your boat for free.