Alex Blair
Representative for United Kingdom
+44(0)7796 304 941
+420 773 054 530
Giovanni Canu
Responsabile Commerciale Italia, Spain, Portugal
+393 735 078 379
+420 773 555 111
Romain Yvrard
Representative for France & Belgium
+33 650 341 676
+420 773 334 422
Eric Halada
Representative for Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Greece
+420 725 037 961
Giovanni Canu
Responsabile Commerciale Italia, Spain, Portugal
+393 735 078 379
+420 773 555 111
Jan Langsadl
Sales Director
+420 603 920 777
More than 12 000 satisfied customers.
Ultramarine´s outstanding design demonstrates, why a correct weight distribution is so important when setting and recovering anchor. In fact, invert any ULTRAnchor and it will instantly recover itself to the attack position. We focused on practical use, and behaviour during anchor´s operation, followed by performance which has been achieved with the innovative patented features, as every UM anchor displays.
Including a curved lead filled tip for instant penetration, a hollow shank for weight distribution optimum and surface concaved base for maximum holding power, and finally large side wing plates to avoid release during changing wind or tide conditions. Furthermore, each anchor is easily recoverable with the flat pivot surface on the underside base.The ULTRAnchor is suitable for all vessel types and locates securely onto the bow roller. Standard anchor sizes range from 5kg to 200kg with larger anchors available upon request.
Incluso con las cargas más extremas, el ojo reforzado de la caña no se doblará, romperá ni fallará.
El ancla Ultra Marine Anchor presenta una estructura de una sola pieza sin aberturas ni hendiduras que puedan capturar lodo, rocas o algas. El brillante acero inoxidable de calibre 316 no solo es de gran belleza, sino también fácil de limpiar y pulir. Un ancla Ultra Marine Anchor prestará servicio libre de corrosión durante años y sin necesidad de recibir ningún tratamiento de nueva galvanización.
La caña hueca y, por tanto, el aumento de la otabilidad colocan el centro de gravedad en un punto más bajo del cuerpo del ancla y más cerca de su penetrante punta. Las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor se sumergen siempre al fondo marino en la dirección y posición correctas.
La base/uña cóncava tiene el aspecto de una pala, proporciona una fuerza de agarre extrema ya que tiene una super cie más grande que las anclasde estilo convencional.
La punta curvada hacia abajo y con refuerzo interno permite a las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor un agarre y una inmersión sin importar el peso de la cadena.
Está ubicado de manera especial en la parte inferior. Evita el arrastre y proporciona una jación inmediata cuando se mueve el ancla.
El inteligente diseño de la barrera contra el enganche de la cadena garantiza que la cadena no pueda enrollarse fácilmente alrededor de la caña del ancla y permite colocar una driza.
Una vez que empiece a levar el ancla del fondo del mar, esta gira por sí misma en la sección aplanada y comienza a liberarse.
Las alas laterales en realidad ayudan al ancla a hundirse a mayor profundidad en el caso de tirones laterales ocasionados por un cambio de viento o marea. También actúan en la estabilización horizontal del ancla conforme esta se sumerge en el fondo del mar.
Se ha vertido plomo en la punta del ancla para distribuir el peso de forma óptima y garantizar la inmersión del ancla en el fondo del mar incluso en condiciones adversas.
No renunciamos a nada en lo que respecta a calidad o diseño, y usted tampoco debe hacerlo.
Pulidas y hechas a mano en acero inoxidable 316. Las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor demuestran la importancia de la distribución correcta del peso y del diseño a la hora de echar y levar un ancla. De hecho, gire cualquier ancla Ultra Marine Anchor y esta regresará de inmediato a la posición correcta. Esta utilidad la hemos logrado gracias a las innovadoras características patentadas que se indican a continuación. Todas las anclas pueden levarse fácilmente gracias a la superficie plana giratoria situada en la parte inferior de su base. Las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor pueden utilizarse en todo tipo de embarcaciones y colocarse de forma segura en el rodillo de proa. El tamaño estándar del ancla oscila entre 5 y 360 kg (existen anclas de mayor tamaño disponibles, previa solicitud). Gracias a su fabricación con materiales de la más alta calidad de Europa y a cargo de ingenieros especializados, las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor se entregan con garantía de por vida contra defectos de fabricación en condiciones normales de uso.
Hollow Shank: Enables weight to be concentrated on anchor tip.
Tubular Construction: Anchor cannot lie on its spine and recovers instantly to the attack position. Anchor will also load correctly into the bow roller.
Lead Filled Tip: Lead is inserted into the anchor tip, achieving the optimal weight distribution and ensuring the anchor will penetrate unfavourable bottom conditions.
Scratch-Catch Point: Especially, it is positioned at bottom. It prevents dragging and provides instant set when anchor moves.
Curved Tip: Importantly, the anchor tip is shaped downwards, ensuring a continuous setting under unfavourable weather conditions. Its angles on the other hand let it help anchor instant set even the anchor is not at the right attack position.
Max Holding Power Base: The concaved base/fluke has the appearance of a shovel and has extreme holding power with a grater surface area than conventional style anchors. The result is more secure, higher holding power anchor that will not release.
Reinforced Eye: Even under the most extreme load the shank’s reinforced eye will not bend, break or fail.
Flat Underside: Once you begin to recover the anchor from the sea floor, it pivots itself on the flat section and begins to release (boat should be directly over anchor).
Side Wing Plates: The ULTRAnchor does not release in a changing wind or tide, it performs a complete 180 degree rotation (while still buried) on its own length and holds firm. On the other hand, it helps easy transport and a continuous geometry on bow rollers.
Non Chain-Foul Bar: Often chain can foul around the shank of the anchor, resulting in the anchor not able to set. The clever design features of the non chain-foul bar ensures chain simply cannot wrap around the shank and provides the ability to attach a trip line. On the other hand, it helps easy transport and a continuous anchor geometry on bow rollers.
Anchor Weight Detail: The anchor weight is stamped into the shank and identifies the anchor size in both kg’s and Ibs.
Serial Number: Every ULTRAnchor is stamped with a unique serial number, ensuring your anchor is always identifiable.
Navegar cuidando el mar es nuestra pasión.
Amamos el mar y queremos descubrir la belleza de sus paisajes. También queremos contribuir a la conservación del extraordinario entorno submarino sin dejar rastros de devastación, que a menudo se producen durante la operación de amarre y levado de un ancla. Las anclas Ultra Marine Anchor y los Flip Swivels nos ayudan a conseguirlo. Gracias a su diseño exclusivo, garantizan el anclaje rápido, seguro y respetuoso de la embarcación en el lugar adecuado. Gracias a su funcionalidad, nuestros productos protegen el lecho marino, así como la flora y fauna que se encuentran en el punto de anclaje. Estamos comprometidos con la protección de los océanos y de la riqueza natural del planeta.
Ankererfahrungen der letzten Monate
Ein Hingucker, 35 verchromte Ankerkilos in einer absolut geilen Form hängen vorne an unserem Trimaran. Zwischen Kette und Anker der kleine, aber hilfreiche, Swivel. Um schwierige Ankersituationen oder Probleme zu lösen, ist auch noch ein Ankerring mit 11 kg an Bord.
Das letzte Mal einen Hafen gesehen hat unser Boot vor ungefähr sechs Wochen. Gelegentlich…
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Hello Gene,
As promised at last week's boat show I have the following re the Ultra anchor: In 2004 I experienced a middle of the night anchor failure in the Sea of Cortez resulting in a grounding of my 54 foot Offshore vessel. I subsequently purchased a larger 72' Offshore in 2008. Keeping in mind my previous troubles I went looking for a better anchor for windy night conditions. I met Randy…
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“Buying the ultra anchor again while going through the options list of my boat was the easiest one. We love the anchor and it has been giving my family and me a great peace of mind every time we anchor. I used to dive to check if my anchor was correctly set. No more with the Ultra!”
Sirena 64
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I keep on relaying my experience with Gunfleet 58/04 (anchored with an ultra anchor) where in 45-50 knots of wind another 40ft boat dragged its anchor which rode up our chain and became jammed in our stem-head. For the next 2 hours there were TWO boat anchored in big and nasty swinging winds, on just ONE Ultra Anchor - if ever I had any doubts that the Ultra was just a beautiful looking peace of…
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The combination of the Ultra-Anchor, your nifty swivel and your chain hook are in danger of making us become over-confident in our anchoring skills.
We've been on the hook every night for the last six weeks in the Gulf of California. We've seen your demonstration that the anchor will reset itself but it has not had to prove that to us. We've been rock solid each and every time that we've gotten…
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Dear Peter,
I attach a few images as promised.
Our first night at anchor with lines to shore proved very windy and rather bumpy at times... and this episode alone justified buying the Ultra Anchor!
Experiences of similar side winds with our previous anchor required us to reset the anchor again and again or move to another location entirely.
I snorkled out the next morning and checked for any…
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Ciao Giovanni,
come stai?
After the first four weeks (Ionian, Greece), I can tell you that I've been very happy with the anchor so far.
Before that, I had a Rocna, same weight, which partly didn't dig deep enough due to the bow. In smooth sand, this causes the anchor to slip; In the case of sea grass, the anchor collects the grass in front of the bow. Attached is a photo at 10m water depth, sand,…
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It was a pleasure meeting you at the Annapolis sail boat show last week.
We have a 2006 meridian 408 and had purchased your Ultra Anchor from you during the 2014 Annapolis boat show. I am pleased to report after one years use that this was one of the best additions to our boatso far. We have anchored out under not-so-good conditions and this anchor was like a magnet. During the Blue…
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Hei venner og kjente med båt!
Det er krise i båtindustrien, underleverandører er i ferd med å gå konk.
Har derfor blitt oppfordret av en av mine til å prøve å hjelpe til med å
skaffe kunder på utradisjonelt vis. (Mail under). Derfor prøver jeg her:
Som dere sikkert/kanskje vet så kjøpte jeg nytt anker til Cheetah ifjor
etter at min Rocna Vulcan 33kg SS brakk i to (!) på Zakhyntos. I all hast…
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I can tell you by all my heart that ULTRAnchor is the only anchor which lets me sleep comfortably.
This is the 3. anchor I bought from you and I placed the order even before I took delivery of my new boat like at the previous ones.
I don’t go out of a marina without ULTRAnchor.
I congratulate you once again for this very advanced engineering product.
Bes regards,
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"Finalmente sono arrivato a Gibilterra. Fino ad ora, il 90% dei posti in cui mi sono fermato mi sono dovuto ancorare. Ovunque ed in ogni fondale l'ancora teneva bene e al primo tentativo. Non ho mai dovuto provare la seconda volta. Ho invertito il motore e sono andato indietro ripetutamente, più ho tirato e più l´ancora rimaneva salda nel fondo, indicando che scavava sempre più in profondità. Ora…
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We love our Ultra anchor. We have had it for 7 years and have anchored everywhere from Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Sitka Alaska and Mexico. It has NEVER failed, even in 50 knot winds.
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In 5,000 nM of cruising aboard our 40 foot sailboat from Houston to Grenada over the last 1 1/2 years, I’ve used my 60lb Ultra in all kinds of anchoring situations and bottom surfaces as well as 360 degreeswings. I’ve been through many 40-50kts squalls at anchor. My Ultra has never ever dragged. I sleep very well knowing the Ultra has proven itself. Now I just have to worry about the other…
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Dear Jan,
the new ULTRA anchor is installed and looks great and proud on the bow of our MOTIVA 39 – MOYA – as you can seen in the attached photos.
I am glad to report that it fits perfectly. In the meantime I have seen two other ULTRA anchors on boat nearby…Am I continuing a trend??
We look forward to our first outing next week to test it live, and am confident it will be much better than…
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Cari signori,
Volevo solo farvi sapere che il vostro "Ultra Flip Swivel" funziona davvero bene.
L´ho provato molte volte e adesso mi sento tanto sicuro di lasciare che mia moglie salpi l´ancora.
La semplicità, con la quale ruota l´ancora nella posizione corretta funziona ogni volta.
Ancora una volta grazie per l´ottimo prodotto.
Non vedo l'ora di acquistare una vostra ancora Ultra presso il…
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We hit the road to the city Beaufort NC. However, the weather turned to the rain like cataclysm when we were about the reach the Beaufort. The wind was at least 20-30 knot.
We hardly found our way to the crowded anchoring area. In the evening we met with Staublar again and after diner we went back to our boat before it was too late. Fortunately, we came back early because, a dragging boat at…
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This is our 2nd year using the Ultra Anchor/Swivel/Grab hook. I was 1st made aware of it where someone recommended the Turkish made Ultra Swivel which is a unique design that rights the anchor as it comes over the roller. We were fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to trial test an Ultra all summer cruising season last year and after anchoring out all season and not wanting to deal…
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Dear Peter,
thank you for your mail and for the proposal of the Ultra Anchor Ring.
Let me first tell you about my experiences with the Ultra Anchor - together with the Flip Swivel (I attached some photos).
I used it quite often on my way down to Portugal, and each time it immediately grap into the ground with perfect holding. Drop and forget. Never any worries, never bad holding. The Ultra…
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Dear Erkutay,
We have now tried it out in mud, sand and coarse sand and it has worked extremely well every time.
With our last anchor we could not get it to set in sand - our biggest test - even with scopes of 10:1. The Ultra has set firmly and quickly every time with scopes of 3:1.
The anchor also self launches every time whereas we often had to give our last one a kick to get it moving.
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Leave us your contact and find out how to try Ultra Anchor on your boat for free.